Sunday 4 November 2012

new technology

    Saturday - November 3, 2012
    Microsoft apparently is looking to make so-called virtual reality an actual reality with what it calls an "immersive display experience," based on a patent application published last week. The patent application, filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in 2011, would allow a standard video game system with a connected "environmental display" to project an image that "appears to surround the user." This certainly sounds like something out of science fiction, but can it become something of science fact? [More...]

    Friday - November 2, 2012
    Microsoft could be developing its own Windows Phone hardware -- it reportedly is working with Asian suppliers to create a new handset. While it has several partners that are bringing out Windows Phone 8 devices, including Nokia and HTC, this would be the company's first foray into the handset market as a hardware manufacturer. [More...]

    Friday - November 2, 2012
    Researchers at the Tokyo University of Technology have developed software that lets users link up multiple mobile devices to create a giant display. You just place a number of mobile devices together in any array desired, and use the pinch gesture familiar to touchscreen users to link them up. The so-called "Pinch" software lets users link mobile devices of different sizes together. [More...]

    Friday - November 2, 2012
    In an effort to expand its Chinese operations, eBay will partner with luxury retailer The deal, which reportedly will be announced formally in's home base of Shenzhen on Nov. 12, is eBay's most ambitious move in China since current CEO John Donahoe took over in 2008. eBay will have plenty of competition waiting. [More...]

    Friday - November 2, 2012
    The British court that ordered Apple to post a statement declaring that Samsung didn't infringe on its designs isn't happy with the way the order was carried out. Apple posted a statement to its UK website, but it was apparently not what the three-judge appeals panel had in mind. [More...]

    Friday - November 2, 2012
    Developer Alex Gavrishev's free, widget-oriented app lets you assign home screens specifically to be used in the car, and it lets you create large, easy-to-punch buttons for six shortcuts per screen. The buttons render well at tablet-strength high resolutions, unlike other car apps I've tried. [More...]

    Thursday - November 1, 2012
    Alleged digital pirate and German Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom on Thursday announced plans for Mega, a service that would replace his shut down file-sharing website Megaupload. The new Mega -- besides dropping a few letters form the name of the service -- will reportedly avoid any dealings with the United States. [More...]

    Thursday - November 1, 2012
    Hackers are actively attacking some of the largest banks in the nation, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned this week. Napolitano declined to go into detail about the types of breaches or what kind of information -- if any -- had been taken. She brought up her concern about attacks on U.S. financial institutions at a cybersecurity event. [More...]

    Thursday - November 1, 2012
    If you're used to Microsoft's stratospheric pricing email program -- Outlook alone is $139.99 estimated retail -- take a look at the small print at Microsoft's Windows 8 website, and you'll see that a Windows 8 Pro upgrade can be downloaded for a limited-time at the measly price of $39.99. This is a surprising bargain. [More...]

    Thursday - November 1, 2012
    A man in Melbourne, Australia, won a defamation case against Google over the search engine's image results. The plaintiff, Michael Trkulja, reportedly contacted Google in 2009 requesting that the site remove images linking him to former meth kingpin Tony Mokbel. Google used the innocent dissemination defense, arguing that it hadn't published the materials in question and was simply indexing information. [More...]

    Thursday - November 1, 2012
    Have you ever asked yourself, "If I were William Shatner, what kind of iPhone app would I be?" I certainly haven't, but if I had, I would now have the answer: Shatoetry. Think refrigerator-magnet poetry, read by Shatner in all his dramatic glory, and you pretty much have the idea. Launching today, Shatoetry is Shatner's contribution to the app world, and it's a pretty good one. [More...]

    Thursday - November 1, 2012
    It's no secret that many here in the Linux blogosphere greeted Windows 8 with jubilation -- not because they had any intention of using it, but because of the opportunity they think it represents for Linux to capture a greater proportion of mainstream users. That, indeed, was the hot topic du jour last week, but this week the conversation has shifted slightly. [More...]

    Wednesday - October 31, 2012
    After a persistent series of attacks on its government computers by a Russian hacker, the Republic of Georgia got mad and refused to take it anymore. In a reversal of roles, members of the country's Computer Emergency Response Team suckered the cybermiscreant into downloading a file infected with his own spyware that allowed CERT to photograph the alleged hacker with his computer's webcam and ransack its hard drive for files. [More...]

    Wednesday - October 31, 2012
    Google revamped its search application for iOS this week, adding an enhanced version of voice search technology that could compete with Apple's voice assistant Siri. Voice Search is an extension of Google's core search engine that now provides contextual, intuitive, spoken results for voice queries and Web searches on Apple's mobile OS. [More...]

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