Monday 5 November 2012

project report on college manegement system



                                              College management system is prepared to maintain the day to day operations in a leading college. This software help them to maintain the student and staff records. So the maintain becomes easier.

                        Main aim in developing College Management System is to provide an easy way not only to automate all functionalities of a college, but also to provide full functional reports to top management of college with the finest of details about any aspect of college.

                       College Management  System  is  software  has the perspective of  attaining  attraction  of those  colleges which  don’t  have  one  good  performing  software  for  keeping  their  information  secure  and make  their management easier. College Management System provides one attractive environment where you can manipulate data and information about students and staff easily. So we can say the Core purpose of designing “College Management System” is to manage the task related to the college students/employees and to reduce time to searching of appropriate candidates in college view.
               College management system is consisting of three user student, staff and administrator. Administrator will have system login details using which he is able to manage whole system and database. Student will be able to create his account on the website student registration form. After getting his login details he will be able to login to the website any time in future. 
                   After logged in to the system students will be able to enter fees details using fees form. Student marks form will be used to maintain student marks. Employee details form will be used to store employee or staff details into database. Salary form will be used to derive salary of employees.
                    The Course details form is designed for entering the different course available in the campus and other relevant details.
                   Managing all the college data on register becomes a messy task. College management can be made easier if we could able to manage all the data in a single database. We are implementing the project College Management System which will definitely help to manage all the college data easily and efficiently.

Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in an Institution. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the organization.



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